The end of a marriage does not always announce itself with fanfare. Often, it is a gradual realization that creeps in over time. If you have been feeling uncertain about the state of your relationship, it is essential to identify the signs that suggest it may be time...
How personal property may impact the asset division process
Spouses preparing for a high-asset divorce often begin the process with an awareness of their most valuable assets. They may focus on claiming certain property as separate, finding a way to establish its value and pushing for a fair solution based on the totality of...
Pros and cons of divorce arbitration in New Hampshire
Many New Hampshire couples look for ways to divorce outside of court. Divorce arbitration is one option. This process mixes formal and flexible elements but has its upsides and downsides. Let's examine what divorce arbitration means in New Hampshire and weigh its good...
Is deferred compensation part of a marital estate?
Finding ways to divide marital property can be one of the most difficult aspects of divorce. Couples either need to negotiate with one another or present information to the courts so that a judge can divide their resources. Typically, each spouse gets to retain their...
Understanding gray divorce
Have you heard of gray divorce? It is a term used to describe couples over fifty who decide to end their marriages. If you are facing this situation, you are not alone. The rate of gray divorce has been increasing in recent years, and it comes with unique challenges....
Three tips to protect your digital privacy during divorce
When couples divorce, it is natural for them to think about protecting their assets. This is why couples take inventory of their marital assets after initiating divorce proceedings. However, your physical assets are not the only things you should consider protecting....
Hidden assets in a divorce: What you need to know
Going through a divorce is challenging. Discovering that your spouse might be hiding assets can make the process even more stressful. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to uncover hidden assets and ensure a fair division of property. Signs your spouse may be...
Understanding child custody and support in same-sex divorce
Divorce is never easy for any couple, and for same-sex couples, there can be more unique challenges involved. One of the most crucial aspects to address is child custody and support. In same-sex marriages, legal parentage can sometimes be more complex than in...
Protecting your financial future post-divorce
Going through a divorce can feel like standing on shaky ground, especially as you start to unravel your financial situation. During this tumultuous time, the choices you make can significantly impact your financial stability post-divorce. That is why it is crucial to...
Protecting a family business during divorce
Some people start a business because they want to offer their families a better standard of living. Others take over a business previously run by their parents or grandparents. Whether someone purchased, inherited or started the business they run, it may very well be...